Answered By: Reference Staff
Last Updated: Mar 19, 2025     Views: 1431

You will not be able to place a request on an item if:

  • You already have the maximum number of 50 requests on your Sonoma County Library card. More information can be found in our policy on requests and holds.
  • The call number, location, or status information indicates "No holds permitted."
    1. Reference Collections. Reference works in Sonoma, Lake, and Mendocino libraries. To get access to these titles, speak with a librarian.
    2. "Lucky Day" copies are exempt from being requested. A few copies of each new title may be assigned as walk-in copies, so that some of the new titles will almost always be available when you visit the library. If you want one of these titles and it is checked in at a library branch, the best way to get it is to go to the library right away.
    3. Bookmobile of the Mendocino Public Library does not allow any title to be placed on hold/requested.
    4. Any title with the 'status' of: missing, lost, trace, mending, mending at branch, or bindery.
    5. A catalog record with no holdings/copies attached. Indicates that either; this title is no longer in the collection, or this title is 'new' to the collection and has no holdings/copies in the record yet. Once a 'new' title has copies with an 'on order' status, you can place a hold.