Answered By: Reference Staff Last Updated: Mar 19, 2025 Views: 71422
Visit any Sonoma County Library location to sign up for a general library card!
Adults (18+) need to provide a photo ID, such as the following:
- State Driver’s License or ID Card
- Passport
- Green Card or Permanent Resident Card
- School-Issued ID
- Tribal ID
- Military ID
- Matrícula Consular ID
- Law Enforcement-Issued ID
- Other Government-Issued Photo ID
- Other Credible Photo ID, such as Bank Card, Credit Card, Check Cashing Card, Transit Card or Membership Card
- Other identification as approved by library staff in charge
Children/youth under age 18 do not need to show ID, but need to be present. For full access, children/youth need the signature of a parent or guardian. Library staff do not monitor or restrict minors’ use nor borrowing of Library materials, either inside or outside of a library.
Proof of address is not required.
A general library card allows the cardholder to:
- Check out materials from the library, up to 100 at a time!
- Request an item from another library
- Check out eBooks/eAudiobooks and other electronic resources
- Use library computers
- Use library databases and online research tools
- Access their library account online
- There is no charge for library use.
Adults are financially responsible for all materials borrowed via their library cards until the materials have been returned. Parents or guardians who provide a signature for minors are financially responsible for all materials borrowed on their minors’ general library cards until the materials have been returned.
Several additional types of library cards are available, including:
Limited Use Cards are available for adults who live out of state and are just visiting Sonoma County, or for children/youth under 18 without the approval of a parent/guardian. These cards allow the user to borrow up to 4 items at a time and use other library resources. Adults need to provide a photo ID when applying for this card.
eCards are temporary cards that can be created online for residents of Lake, Mendocino and Sonoma Counties. These cards can be used for borrowing and using electronic resources. eCards automatically expire after 120 days. eCard users can convert their eCard to a general library card by visiting a library. Please bring your eCard number and photo ID at that time. Get an eCard now!
Educator Cards are available for teachers and other educators who work for institutions and facilities that educate or care for children in Sonoma County. Educator Cards are intended to benefit the students. Applicants must present a photo ID as well as one of the following documents to verify educator status:
- School ID badge
- Contract or letter confirming employment
- Pay information from educational institution
- Home school certificate
Educator Cards must be renewed and eligibility confirmed each year. Educator Cards expire annually on August 1; please bring in one of the items above to reconfirm for the next year. For more information, visit
More information:
For full details, please see the library’s Library Cards and Borrowing Policy.
Cardholders are required to update their accounts by informing the Library of any changes in their contact information. If your library card is lost or stolen, contact the library immediately.
All information obtained by the Library through the Library Card application process is maintained as confidential and shall not be disclosed in compliance with the Library’s Policy to Protect the Confidentiality of Patron Information and Records. Library staff is not required to verify the identity of a patron: staff is entitled to rely upon a patron’s presentation of a Library Card as a representation that the patron is the subject cardholder or has consent of the cardholder.
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